Friday, March 28, 2008

Charleston and the Isle of Palms

We took Zoe to the beach for the first time. We first stopped for lunch in Charleston - we ate at a wonderful place called 39 Rue de Jean. Zoe had her own makeshift seat, where she kicked back while Rhonda and I ate brie and then mussells. I even got to enjoy some nice Pouilly-Fuisse. We then drove over to the Isle of Palms. The wind seemed to be bothering Zoe at first, but once Rhonda helped her to get her foot in the sand and the ocean water, she began to enjoy herself. She loves water - and, apparently, sand, too!


Anonymous said...
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Ann said...

Looks like a good time was had by all! Zoe seemed to really enjoy her Easter basket with all those beautifully colored eggs.